With the end of the Fall Fundamentals classes, the Fall 2019 session has come to a close for us at the Back Channel School.
Looking forward to 2020, the first class on our schedule will be Machine Maintenance oriented for those of you with power tools at home that want to make the most of them.
As the season begins in earnest, the next class on the docket will be the Budget Bench the first two weekends in February.
For those of you interested in decorating your work with exotic woods and expressive patterns, Basic Veneering will begin shortly afterward.
The second week of February will bring the start of the Fundamentals 1 and Fundamentals 2, for those either beginning, or continuing to work with solid woods.
Closer to the end of February, we’ll begin our Cabinetmaking classes starting with the Intro to Cabinetmaking class, followed by the Basic Cabinetmaking.
Come March, the session will be in full swing, but still with more to come: Windsor Chairmaking starts the first week of March.
Midway through the month, we’ll have a short class on Setting up Shop with Fine Woodworking’s Mike Korsak.
Still to be added to the schedule is a String Inlay class with John Randazzo, and a few more classes with Mike Korsak.