Budget Benchmaking


A short and sweet bench making class for those that want a space to work

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SKU: BCSW-BB Category:

Instructors:  Back Channel Staff
Last modified: 11/21/2024

No tools, or prior experience, needed.

Tuesday Evenings 5p-10p, January 14th, 21st, 28th
Saturdays and Sundays starting at 9 am until at least 5:30pm, possibly later, on January 18th, 19th, 25th, and 26th

Building any bench requires an investment of time. Students should be prepared to attend all of the weekend dates, and as many of the Tuesdays as possible, preferably at least two.

Having a flat, sturdy bench that holds your work piece securely is essential for doing good work, but buying one is not easy. Good commercial benches are very expensive, and the affordable ones are not worth buying due to their light weight and bad vises. Careful work at the bench is vital.  Students wanting to progress quickly benefit greatly when they can practice between classes.

We designed this low-cost bench with simple joinery for ease and speed of construction.  It features a sturdy pine and douglas fir base and a hefty, 3 inch thick laminated top made of southern yellow pine. Each bench will have an integrated front vise. Even though every style of bench is a compromise and no bench is perfect, this could be the only bench you will ever need.  With a few shop made holding aids, you will be able to secure parts and components for any project.

If you are feeling hesitant to make your bench out of pine, I recommend reading this poem by Chris Schwarz for perspective.

We will have a limited number of used vises available for purchase and can offer guidance on sourcing your own vise.

Materials fee estimated at $150-200, plus cost of your vise/vises